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  • How do I book an appointment at Mediluxe?

    Click “book your appointment" or "book now" tabs located throughout our website. You may also call our office directly or send us an email to Please do not include any medical information in your email. To guarantee your appointment, you will be asked to leave a credit card on file. Please see our cancellation policy for more information. If you're unsure of what services to book, simply book a consultation. Please note, Mediluxe requires that you be at least 21 years of age for cosmetic injectables.

    For the health and well-being of everyone, if you're sick, or have been sick within the past 48 hours, we kindly ask that you please reschedule your appointment. Guests that arrive ill will be denied service and the cancellation policy will apply. Please see “what we are doing to keep you safe during the Covid 19 pandemic.”  We are a medical establishment, so client safety and limiting exposure is already our top priority.